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王欣 《海外英语》2011,(11):67-68
From the 1970s,learning styles began to enter the domain of foreign language learning researches.Foreign language learning style is often regarded as a significant factor attributing to individual differences among language learners.Nowadays,many researchers begin studying individual learners’characteristics and exploring how different learners interact with external factors from cognitive perspective.The field-independence/dependence construct became a focus.Based on previous studies,the paper is committed to analyzing the nature of FID learners.It is expected that this research can establish a well-grounded basis for following studies.  相似文献   
薛才佳 《海外英语》2011,(11):193-196
Chinese poetry has a very long and remarkable history.It is one of the most important representatives of China’s ancient civilization of 5000 years.Chinese poetry utilizes quite a large number of methods in order to be more melodious and charming.Reduplicated words,as a figure of speech,are one of the most frequently used form among them.Reduplicated words as an active rhetorical device can add more flavor and taste to poems.They have the advantages of expressing the stylistic beauty effectively in form,sound and sense,thus push the article to its topmost aesthetic beauty.This paper,from a stylistic perspective,first discusses and argues the translatability of reduplicated words and then the importance to maintain the style of reduplicated words.After that it tries hard to put forward some favorable ways of dealing with the translation of reduplicated words so that reduplicated words in classical Chinese poetry can be appropriately translated without damage to the original style and flavor.  相似文献   
中音西唱,即用美声唱法演唱中国特色风格的声乐作品,以完成音乐形象的再塑造。第十四届青歌赛美声唱法个人单项决赛中对必须演唱中国作品的规定,给我国今后各级各类比赛增添了新气象,同时也给高师美声教学以新的启示与活力,对于促进美声唱法与中国作品相结合,表现我国人民丰富的情感文化生活具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
《朱子读书法》是南宋思想家、教育家朱熹阐述其读书理论的重要作品。包括“循序渐进”、“熟读精思”、“虚心涵泳”、“切己体察”、“着紧用力”、“居敬持志”六个方面。读书六法所阐述的教学思想与当代语文教学有着紧密的联系,不少经验与现代教育理论耦合,可以作为当代语文教学的借鉴。  相似文献   
本文通过“李雷和韩梅梅”这一典型个案来解读“80后”青年亚文化风格。通过对此现象的文本分析发现,“80后”通过拼贴、颠覆和重建等风格来颠覆父辈的意识形态,生产出属于自己的文化,进行自我表达,获得群体认同感。“80后”进行自我文化创造的本意虽然值得理解,但娱乐至死的浪潮终将会淹没这种亚文化,这种文化创造并没有带来更多的价...  相似文献   
历时20余年的语文教学改革一方面成绩喜人,另一方面又有舍本逐末、浮于表面、流于形式等弊病.文章试图归结当前语文教改的误区并剖析其原因,从而寻求深入推进语文教学改革的现实出路.  相似文献   
何玉红 《海外英语》2011,(9):271+274
Cultural knowledge has some influence on successful inter-cultural communication.In order to help Chinese people communicate well with foreigners,this paper discusses some misperceptions of Chinese people about North American culture based on the data collected from several Chinese and American participants.And MK.Mayer’s model of basic values and Kluckhohn-Strodtotbeck’s model are adopted to analyze the reasons why Chinese people have such misperceptions.Based on the findings,three suggestions are provided to help Chinese to overcome some misperceptions with the hope that they can conduct a good communication with foreigners.  相似文献   
从语文课程的本质属性来看,语文课程不应该归属于纯粹的学科课程,它应以经验课程为主要表现形态。从经验课程的基本思想来看,语文课程就是学生在教师的指导下,通过言语经验(动词)学习言语经验(名词)的过程。从"经验"而不是从"知识"的角度理解语文课程,意味着:学生成为语文课程的主体;语文课程内容的实质是经验;语文课程是一个动态生成的过程。  相似文献   
朱晓丹 《辽宁高职学报》2011,13(6):77-78,86
生态论教育思想是全球性生态危机背景下诞生的一种新的教育理念,生态论思想与现代教育实践的融合对于当代音乐教育工作有着重要的指导意义。当代中国艺术歌曲中有大量饱含生态论价值的优秀作品,这些作品必将是以生态论教育思想为指向的当代音乐教育所亟需的艺术资源,具有较高的生态教育价值。  相似文献   
创建优良学风是提高教育教学质量的重要保证,是培养学生良好学习习惯和严谨治学态度的重要途径。加强高职院校学风建设有着十分重要的意义,然而目前在学风建设中却存在着令人堪忧的问题,因而应着重从提高认识、树立优良的教风、制定严格的管理制度等方面来加强学风建设,确保学风建设持续、有效地开展。  相似文献   
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